Output Description

Collapse Multiallelic Genotypes

Running this process for the ssr_alleles sample setting generates the Results window shown below.

The Results window contains the following pane:

Output Data

This pane provides links to the following output data sets:

Collapsed genotype data from CollapseMultiallelicGenotypes: This data set contains collapsed genotypes of multiallelic markers. It has one row for each individual in the input data set and one genotype column for each marker. By default, the name of this data set is the same as the input data set appended to the _cg suffix.
Annotation data from CollapseMultiallelicGenotypes: This data set contains the names of each genotype column that is present in the output collapsed genotype data set. By default, the name of this data set is the same as the input data set appended to the _cg_anno suffix.


Click to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.
Click to close all graphics windows and underlying data sets associated with the output.