Multiple Testing Correction

This drop-down menu enables you to apply multiple testing corrections for testing multiple hypotheses.

Available options are described in the table below:

Multiple Testing Correction Method1


(blank space)

Select this option for no p-value correction.


Specifies that the Bonferroni adjustments (number of tests p-value) be computed for each test.
Note: These adjustments can be extremely conservative and should be viewed with caution.


Requests adjusted p-values by using the linear step-up method of Benjamini and Hochberg (1995)2.
These p-values do not control the familywise error rate, but they do control the false discovery rate in some cases.


Computes the Šidák adjustment for each test.
Note: These adjustments are slightly less conservative than the Bonferroni adjustments, but they still should be viewed with caution.

To Specify a Multiple Testing Correction:

8 Make a selection using the drop-down menu.

For Additional Information

Refer to p-Value Adjustments for more details about each of these methods.