PROC MIXED Additional Statements
Enter additional SAS PROC MIXED options in this field to override default parameters.
Refer to the PROC MIXED documentation for appropriate syntax.
To specify one or more additional PROC MIXED statements, use the following syntax:
• | Option is the PROC MIXED option, and |
• | a space is used to delimit individual conditions. |
Examples of commonly used PROC MIXED options are listed in the following table.
Option |
Definition |
Used for subsetting rows in the input data set. Refer to the SAS WHERE Statement documentation for additional details about WHERE statements. |
The PARMS statement specifies initial values for the covariance, or it requests a grid search over several values of these parameters. See the PARMS Statement documentation for more information. |
Invalid Statements
By default, CLASS, MODEL, RANDOM, and REPEATED statements are automatically generated to fit the ridge regression model, so do not specify any of these statements. Also, do not specify a BY statement, because the SAS code is currently not set up to handle BY group.
To Specify One or More Additional PROC MIXED Options:
8 | Type specific PROC MIXED options in the PROC MIXED Statement Additional Statements field. |
For example, to restrict the analysis to males only, type WHERE SEX=’M’in the text field, as shown below:
For Additional Information
Refer to the PROC MIXED documentation for more information.