Processes | Expression Parameters | Number of the First Principal Component for VCA

Number of the First Principal Component for VCA
Use this field/slider to specify a minimum principal components index. Principal components with an index number smaller than the number entered here are excluded from the variance components analysis.
For example, if you want to exclude the first principal component from the calculations, specify a 2 here. All the principal components, except for the first principal component, are then applied for PCA.
Note : The final Cumulative Proportion of Variation to Explain is reduced by adjusting for the principal component(s) excluded here.
To Specify the Number of the First Principal Component:
Specify an integer between 1 and the total number of principal components computed.
Tip : To change the scale of the slider, right-click on the slider and select Rescale Slider from the pop-up menu. Change the upper and/or lower boundaries in the window that appears, to rescale the slider and click OK .