Regardless of the actual identifier, individuals homozygous for the most common allele are identified with a "0". Heterozygotes for the most common allele and another, less common allele, are identified a "1". All of the less common alleles, regardless of the number of different alleles, are grouped together. All individuals without the most common allele, including both homozygotes for less common alleles and their heterozygotes, are identified with a "2". Regardless of the actual identifier, individuals homozygous for the most common (major) allele are identified with a "0". All of the other alleles, regardless of the number of different alleles, are grouped together. All individuals not containing the most common allele, whether homozygous or heterozygous , are identified with a “1”. To convert genotypes to values indicating a recessive model for the minor allele (s).