Select the file(s) containing information about the individuals or samples to be imported and merged with the experimental design data set or genotype data.Note : This file must satisfy the following requirements:
• It is space -delimited.
• Column names are found in the first row.
• Variable type details are found in the second row. The first three entries of this line should be set to 0 . Subsequent entries of this line for covariates and phenotypes should be specified using the following table:
• Data begins on the third row.For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Life Sciences software, see Files and Data Sets .
Specify a Folder of Samples File , Folder of Input Files , or Folder of Raw Files . Where available, you can also specify a Source of Files and File Filter Expression .The Available Files field is automatically populated with files from the specified folder passing the specified filter (where available).
Left-click a single file, or hold down while left-clicking multiple files (if applicable), from the Available Files field.
Clickto add the selected file(s) to the Sample File field.