Processes | Predictive Modeling | Centroid or Distance Summarization Method

Centroid or Distance Summarization Method
Use this feature to specify the summarization method.
When the dependent variable is nominal and you select Class Centroids in the previous option ( For Nominal Dependent Variables, compute distances to: ), this is the method for computing class centroids in the training set.
When the dependent variable is nominal and you select Each Observation in the previous option ( For Nominal Dependent Variables, compute distances to: ), this is the method for summarizing the individual distances within a class.
When the dependent variable is continuous , this is the method for computing the predicted value for a particular observation from all individual distances, using observed values of the dependent variable from the training set and inverse distances as weights.
Options for summarizing centroid/distance are listed in the following table:

P n refers to the n th percentile.

To Specify the Method: