Processes | Utilities | Rank Method

Rank Method
Select the ranking method to be used. Leave this field empty for conventional ranking (from 1 to number of observations ).
The following table describes each of the options:
Assigns group values ranging from 0 to number-of-groups minus 1. Common specifications are GROUPS=100 for percentiles , GROUPS=10 for deciles, and GROUPS=4 for quartiles. For example, GROUPS=4 partitions the original values into four groups, with the smallest values receiving, by default, a quartile value of 0 and the largest values receiving a quartile value of 3.
Note : The number of groups is specified in the Number of Groups for Rank Method GROUPS option.
Computes fractional ranks by dividing each rank by the denominator n +1, where n is the number of observations that have nonmissing values of the ranking variable.
Divides each rank by the number of observations ( n ) that have nonmissing values of the variable and multiplies the result by 100 to get a percentage. n is the number of observations that have nonmissing values of the ranking variable.
For more detail on each of these methods, refer to the Base SAS Documentation regarding the PROC RANK statement .
To Select a Ranking Method: