Note : As of JMP Clinical 4.1, this process has been renamed Profile Selected Subjects . Also introduced in 4.1 is the Profile All Subjects variant.This process requires demographic-, exposure- events-, findings-, and treatment-related variables . All variables must be in a single table (typically ADSL ). These include:
• a treatment variable ( the actual treatment received by each subject ( TRT01A )),
• the planned treatment (intent-to-treat) for each subject ( TRT01P ), or the description of the planned treatment arm ( ARM ),
• Note : Missing start and end dates are imputed for AE , CE , CM , and SU when timing flags are available.Note : Comment files for this process are saved in the Notes directory of your user home folder. In Windows 7, this is typically C:\Users\ <your user name> \AppData\Local\SAS\JMP\10\JMPC\Notes .The output generated by this process is summarized in a tabbed report. Refer to the Profile Subjects output documentation for detailed descriptions and guides to interpreting your results.