Appendixes | Clinical | Add Study from Metadata Libraries

Add Study from Metadata Libraries
This process enables you to add a study (see Studies ) from SAS metadata libraries containing CDISC -formatted data.
What do I need?
You must first register SAS metadata libraries on a server, and be granted permissions to view libraries.
Please contact your SAS Metadata Server Administrator or Technical Support for instructions on setting up the server, libraries, and permissions.
Note : This process honors user-level permissions, but currently does not honor table (domain) permissions, set for the metadata libraries.
This process prompts for the following information:
a Study Name
either the SDTM or SEND Metadata Library Name , or the ADaM Metadata Library Name
The SDTM metadata library must contain the following domains: AE , CM , DM , DS , EG , EX , LB , MH , and VS .
The ADaM metadata library must contain adsl.sas7bdat .
The study and associated metadata is added to your database.