Processes | Utilities | Rename

Data Rename renames one or more of the primary data variables in a tall data set and creates a new experimental design data set to accompany it.
What do I need?
Two data sets are required for this process:
The SAS Input Data Set containing the column(s) to be renamed. The drosophilaaging.sas7bdat data set (located in the \LifeSciences\Sample Data\Microarray\Scanalyze Drosophila directory included with JMP Genomics, associated with the Drosophila aging experiment of Jin et al. (2001) described in Drosophila Aging Experimental Data ) is shown below .
An Experimental Design Data Set (EDDS) is also needed to run this process. This required data set tells how the experiment was performed, providing information about the columns of the primary experimental data. Before running this process, however, you must modify the EDDS to contain a column of new names. You can either directly create a new column containing the new names, or rename the current ColumnName variable to some other name and use ColumnName as the header for the column of new names. The standard drosophilaaging_exp.sas7bdat EDDS (located in the \LifeSciences\Sample Data\Microarray\Scanalyze Drosophila directory included with JMP Genomics, associated with the Drosophila aging experiment from Jin et al. (2001) described in Drosophila Aging Experimental Data ), was modified using the second method. The modified drosophilaaging_exp_rename.sas7bdat EDDS is shown below . The original ColumnName variable was renamed as CurrColumnName . If you examine the Input SAS Data Set , you can see that the current column names are listed here. A new variable has been added to the EDDS. This new ColumnName variable contains the new names.
For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Life Sciences software, see Files and Data Sets .
The output of the Rename process includes the Results window, which lists the output data set and EDDS.
Click Open to display the output data set.
The drosophilaaging_drn.sas7bdat output data set is shown below .
The only differences between the input and output SAS data sets are the names of the variables and the order in which they are listed. No actual data have been modified.
Click Open to display the output EDDS.
The drosophilaaging_exp_rename_drn.sas7bdat output EDDS is shown below .
The CurrColumnName variable, which listed the original column names for the data set, has been removed.
These files are now ready for further analysis.