Many, but not all, files used or created by JMP Life Sciences products are SAS Data Sets , which have a .sas7bdat file extension. Refer to the table below for guidance on filetype terminology.
Data Set 1 ( .sas7bdat file) not a SAS Data Set Various import, download, output report, and export formats. Refer to documentation on specific formats or parameters (on dialogs , click the ? links next to individual fields) for more information. ( .jmp file) Secondary data storage format in JMP Life Sciences software. Most processes cannot use this input format directly. 2 Refer to JMP Help for more information. ( .sas file) Storage of dialog, parameter, and track settings. Refer to Saving and Loading Settings for more information. Journal or Review ( .jrn file) Storage of processes run and graphical results. Refer to Workflow output documentation for more information. ( .jmpaddin file)
The terms “Data Set” and “SAS Data Set” are interchangeable. The addition of “SAS” in phrases serves only as a reminder that “Data Sets” are .sas7bdat files.
Although a few processes work directly on an open and in focus JMP table (such as those processes found under the General Utilities submenu), JMP tables ( .jmp file extension) usually cannot be used in place of SAS Data Sets. Use the Save As SAS Data Set utility ( Genomics > SAS Data Set Utilities > Import / Export > Save As SAS Data Set ), or the File > Save As... command to convert an open JMP table into a SAS Data Set.
Refer to the links at the top of this page, in the table, or next to individual parameters on process dialogs ( ? links), for more information about files and data sets.