JMP Life Sciences Programming Guide | Macros Available for JMP Life Sciences Processes | Macro Descriptions | InputEngineMacros

InputEngineMacros defines the following macros for input engine processes:
This macro imports the experimental design table (required for certain IEs) to extract the experimental information and the file name of each raw data file.
This macro imports the files with a data platform of Agilent ( .txt ), GenePix ( .gpr ), QuantArray ( .txt ), and Scanalyze ( .dat ) and combines them with the information from the experimental design table into a stacked SAS data set.
This macro imports Affymetrix CDF file (text version) into a SAS data set, which is used to decode Affymetrix .cel and .chp files.
This macro imports Affymetrix .cel files ( probe data stored in text or binary versions), which are based on the corresponding CDF file and combines them with the information from the experimental design table into a stacked SAS data set.
This macro imports Affymetrix .chp files (signal summarized data), which are based on the corresponding CDF file and combines them with the information from the experimental design table into a stacked SAS data set.
This macro imports raw data files stored in text (tab delimited or comma separated), Excel, or SAS data set formats and combines them with the information from the experimental design table into a stacked SAS data set.
This macro is used for Agilent ( .txt ) and GenePix ( .gpr ) IEs.
This macro is used for the Import Individual Text, CSV, or Excel Files process, and the ScanAlyze IEs.
This macro checks certain required input parameters for the IEs that require an experiment design file.
This macro invokes DesignParse.
This macro checks the final combined data set.
This macro wraps up package macros.