Output | Import | VCF Input Engine

VCF Input Engine
Running this process for the TreoExample sample setting generates the Results window shown below. Refer to the VCF Input Engine process description for more information.
The Results window contains the following elements:
Output Data
This process generates the following data sets:
Output Genotype Data Set (Tall) : This data set lists genotype data imported from the VCF file(s) in tall data set format. Refer to Tall and Wide Data Sets for more information about tall data sets.
Output Genotype Data Set (Wide) : This data set lists genotype date imported from the VCF file(s) in wide data set format. Refer to Tall and Wide Data Sets for more information about tall data sets. Note : Wide data sets are generated only when the Create wide Output Genotype Data Sets check box is checked.
Note : You can view the data in a file or data set by clicking either Open or View Subset (when the data set is very large).
Launch Follow-up Processes
IBS Sharing Regions : Click IBS Sharing Regions to launch the IBS Sharing Regions process with the Output Tall Genotype data set specified as input.
Click Reopen Dialog to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.
Click Close All to close all graphics windows and underlying data sets associated with the output.