Use this field to specify the name and complete path to the input experimental design data set.
This EDDS must be specified when there is no baseline reference in the baseline reference data set and is used to re-calculate a baseline reference.
An EDDS is a SAS data set that provides information about the columns of a tall data set. It describes relevant experimental
such as treatment conditions and
as well as a variable named
. Entries in the
column must exactly match the column names in the input tall data set. EDDSs have certain constraints that must be followed for the processes to run successfully.
An EDDS is frequently constructed using information from a corresponding
experimental design file (EDF). An EDDS contains many of the same columns as an EDF, but, unlike the EDF, must be saved as a SAS data set (
). Many of the input engines that generate a tall data set from raw data files also automatically generate the needed EDDS.