• Option is the PROC PLS optionNote : Do not specify the NOCENTER and NOSCALE options, since they are always set. Rather, if you want to standardize predictors , use the Standardization Method parameter on the Predictor Reduction tab.
The method MISSING=AVG specifies that the fit be computed by filling in missing values with the average of the nonmissing values for the corresponding variable .The default is MISSING=NONE , for which observations with any missing variables (dependent or independent) are excluded from the analysis. If you specify MISSING=EM , then the procedure first computes the model with MISSING=AVG and then fills in missing values by their predicted values based on that model and computes the model again.The default is MISSING=NONE , for which observations with any missing variables (dependent or independent) are excluded from the analysis. Specifies the c cross validation method to be used. By default, no cross validation is performed.The method CV=ONE requests one-at-a-time cross validation. The method CV=RANDOM requests that observations be excluded at random.NTEST= n specifies the number of observations in each random subset chosen for exclusion. The default value is one-tenth of the total number of observations.NITER= n specifies the number of random subsets to exclude. The default value is 10.Seed= n specifies an integer used to start the pseudo-random number generator for selecting the random test set. If you do not specify a seed, or specify a value less than or equal to zero, the seed is by default generated from reading the time of day from the computer’s clock. PCR requests principal components regression.Note : The default is METHOD=PLS. The value PLS requests partial least squares
van der Voet, H. (1994) Comparing the Predictive Accuracy of Models Using a Simple Randomization Test. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 25: 313–323.
For example, to use the average value of nonmissing observations for missing data, type MISSING=AVG in the text box.Refer to the SAS PROC PLS documentation for more information.