• PARMS for specifying initial values of the covariance parameters or performing a grid search of over several values of these parameters.Refer to the SAS PROC HPMIXED documentation for appropriate syntax.
• Option is the PROC HPMIXED option, and
• a space is used to delimit individual conditions.
Most models fit with the GLIMMIX procedure typically have one or more nonlinear parameters. Estimation requires nonlinear optimization methods. You can control the optimization through options using the NLOPTIONS statement.See the NLOPTIONS Statement documentation of more information The PARMS statement specifies initial values for the covariance or scale parameters, or it requests a grid search over several values of these parameters in generalized linear mixed model .See the PARMS Statement documentation for more information.By default, CLASS , MODEL , RANDOM , and OUTPUT statements are automatically generated to fit the Genomic BLUP model, so do not specify any of these statements. Also, do not specify a BY statement, since the SAS code is currently not set up to handle BY groups .
Type specific PROC HPMIXED options in the PROC HPMIXED Additional Statements field.For example, to restrict the analysis to males only, type WHERE SEX=’M’ in the text field, as shown below:Refer to the SAS PROC HPMIXED documentation for more information.