Parameters | Predictive Modeling | Number of power iterations (q) for the randomized SVD

Number of power iterations (q) for the randomized SVD
Use the text box to specify an integer number to be used in the power method of randomized singular value decomposition computation with the goal of increasing accuracy.
A value of zero means that the power method is not applied in the SVD computations. The larger the number of power iterations, the higher is the accuracy. However, it can incur a substantial computational time cost. A value of one or two is usually adequate to produce high accuracy.
Note : This option is available only when the Compute near optimal low-rank randomized SVD for the additive and dominance matrices check box is checked.
To Specify the Number of Power Iterations:
Make sure that the Compute near optimal low-rank randomized SVD for the additive and dominance matrices check box is checked.