Parameters | Utilities | List of Variable Names and Lengths

List of Variable Names and Lengths
This option is available for controlling the size of the variables in the output data set.
Note : This option only becomes available once the List of Variable Names and Types option is specified.
List all variable names followed by their desired length. If a variable type is character, include a dollar sign ( $ ) between the variable name and the desired length. Separate names by an empty space or use ranges of variables with no spaces before or after a hyphen. For example, specify
ID $5 Sex $1 Age 3 SNP1-SNP100000 $2
to set lengths of 5, 1, 3, and 2 for variables ID , Sex , Age , and all SNP1 - SNP100000 , respectively. Note that no parentheses are required as in the previous parameter ( List of Variable Names and Types ).
Lengths for numeric values can range from 3 to 8.
Leave this field empty for the system to automatically set the variable length as determined by the Number of Rows to Scan .
Refer to Base SAS documentation on the LENGTH statement for additional details.
To Specify the List of Variable Names and Lengths:
Type the appropriate line into the List of Variable Names and Lengths field.