Processes | Predictive Modeling | Transpose Wide to Tall

Transpose Wide to Tall
Most of the processes in JMP Life Sciences software assume that the input SAS data set has a particular data structure. JMP Life Sciences software distinguishes between tall and wide SAS data sets.
A tall SAS data set has samples as columns, and molecular entity (such as marker, gene, clone, protein, or metabolite) as rows.
A wide SAS data set is the transpose of a tall data set, having the samples as rows and molecular entity as columns.
When specifying the input SAS data set for a process, it is important to know the required form. Most of the processes associated with genetic analyses require a wide structure, whereas most of those for microarray and proteomics analyses use a tall structure.
The Transpose Wide to Tall data set utility transposes a wide SAS data set into a tall SAS data set and generates the Experimental Design Data Set (EDDS) required for subsequent analysis.
What do I need?
One wide data set to be transposed is required.
For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Life Sciences software, see Files and Data Sets .
Running this process generates a tall data set and the associated EDDS.