Output | Genetics | QTL IM, CIM and MIM Analysis | Results (MIM Analysis)

Results (MIM Analysis)
Tab Viewer
This pane provides you with a space to view individual tabs within the Results window. Use the tabs to access and view the output plots and associated data sets.
The following tabs are generated by this process:
Results (MIM Analysis) : This tab includes plots for each chromosome (with traits either overlaid in a single plot or split out into separate plots) displaying the LOD score versus the QTL testing location in centiMorgans or Morgans.
Drill-down Buttons
Forward Search for QTL Main Effects : Click this button to start the genome-wide forward search for statistically significant QTL main effects . Putative QTLs with statistical signal larger than the specified threshold are added into the model .
Backward Elimination of Main Effects : Click this button to start the backward elimination of statistically non-significant QTL main effects. QTLs with interaction effects in the model are not entered into the backward elimination procedure.
QTL in the Model x QTL in the Model : Click this button to start the search for two-way interaction effects between QTL effects that are already in the model.
QTL in the Model x New QTL (1-Dimensional Genomewide Scan) : Click this button to start the genome-wide forward search for new QTLs that might not have statistically significant main effects but that have statistically significant two-way interaction effects with QTLs already in the model.
New QTL x New QTL (2-Dimensional Genomewide Scan) : Click this button to start the genome wide forward search for new pairs of QTLs on which neither QTL might have statistically significant main effects but have statistically significant two-way interaction effects with each other.
Backward Elimination of Interaction : Click this button to start the backward elimination of statistically non-significant QTL interaction effects.
Manage QTL Effects : Click this button to interactively add (delete) main or interaction effects of QTL to (from) the model.
Change MIM Options : Click this button to change values of parameters originally specified in the MIM Options tab.
Click View Data to reveal the underlying data table associated with the current tab.
Click Reopen Dialog to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.
Click Create Report to generate a pdf - or rtf -formatted report containing the plots and charts of selected tabs.
Click Close All to close all graphics windows and underlying data sets associated with the output.