Getting Started with JMP Life Sciences | Software Basics | The Genomics and Clinical Starters | Analytical Process

Analytical Process
Click a Category
This section lists all broad process categories in the product.
Select one of the items in the Click a Category field.
When you select a category, the subcategories that it contains are displayed in the Click a Subcategory field.
Tip : Click the ? button next to Click a Category for an overview of all process categories.
Click a Subcategory
This section lists subcategories, where available, of the selected category.
Select one of the items in the Click a Subcategory field.
When you select a subcategory, launch buttons for the processes listed in that subcategory become available.
Tip : Click the ? button next to Click a Subcategory for an overview of all process subcategories within the selected category.
Click a Button
This section contains launch buttons for processes grouped under the selected category (and subcategory, where available).
Tip : Click the ? button next to Click a Button for an overview of all processes within the selected category (and subcategory, where available).
Auto-Run Analyses (Clinical Only)