An important distinction between JMP and JMP Clinical concerns the types of data sets they can use. JMP can open and use data stored in a variety of formats. By and large, however, data sets for JMP Clinical processes must be SAS data sets conforming to the standards set down by the Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium ( CDISC ).The table (below) lists all of the data sets and variables required to run all of the JMP Clinical processes and include the Subject Level Data Set ( ADSL ) from ADaM and the following SDTM domains: Adverse Events ( AE ), Concomitant Medications ( CM ), Demographics ( DM ), Disposition ( DS ), Electrocardiogram ( EG ), Exposure ( EX ), Laboratory Test Results ( LB ), Medical History ( MH ), and Vital Signs ( VS ). All of the data sets must be saved as SAS data sets ( .sas7bdat ).
Required to run Mortality Cause Comparison . Note : Required variables from all Findings domains are similar to those required for VS , EG , and LB .Many of the processes in JMP Clinical require only a subset of the variables and data sets, such as AE and LB from SDTM and the ADSL from ADaM , for example. In these cases, you do not have to specify a particular data set; you merely need to specify the SDTM and ADaM folders containing the data sets. JMP Clinical automatically goes to those folders and finds the data.