Running this process using the GeneticMarkerExample sample setting generates the tabbed Results window shown below. Refer to the Genomic Heritability process description for more information. Output from the process is organized into tabs. Each tab contains one or more plots, data panels, data filters, and so on. that facilitate your analysis.Use the Tab Viewer to view each tab.Genomic Variance: This tab contains graphs of genetic variance explained by all markers on each trait variable. If an annotation group variable is specified in the Annotation tab, then a graph of portioned genetic variance by each annotation group is also displayed.Genomic Heritability: This tab contains graphs of heritability explained by all markers on each trait variable. If an annotation group variable is specified in the Annotation tab, then a graph of portioned heritability by each annotation group is also displayed. This tab is displayed only for continuous traits.
• Parameter Estimates: This data set contains estimates of fixed effect for each fitted mixed model. By default, this name of this data set is the same as the input data set appended to the _gpe suffix.
• Fit Statistics: This data set contains fitness measure for each fitted mixed model. By default, the name of this data set is the same as the input data set appended to the _gfs suffix.
• Additive Relationship Matrix: This data set contains the estimated additive relationship matrix. Each entry in this matrix contains the additive genetic relationship measure between two individuals in the input data set. By default, the name of this data set is the same as the input data set appended to the _gad suffix. This data set is generated only when the Output the additive relationship matrix check box is checked.
• Rooted Additive Relationship Matrix: This data set contains the root of estimated additive relationship matrix obtained by singular value decomposition (SVD). By default, the name of this data set is the same as the input data set appended to the _gra suffix. This data set is generated only when the Output the root of the additive relationship matrix by SVD check box is checked.
• Click to reveal the underlying data table associated with the current tab.
• Click to reopen the completed process dialog used to generate this output.
• Click to close all graphics windows and underlying data sets associated with the output.