Criterion for Stopping Model Selection Use the drop-down menu to specify how selected models are compared and when the model selection process is terminated. Available options are described in the table below: Criteria Definition1 None Selection is not stopped and either all of the predictor or the Maximum Number of Steps are used ADJRSQ Adjusted R-square statistic AIC Akaike information criterion AICC Corrected Akaike information criterion BIC Sawa Bayesian information criterion CP Mallow C(p) statistic CV Predicted residual sum of squares with k-fold cross validation PRESS Predicted residual sum of squares SBC Schwarz Bayesian information criterion SL Significance Level If you select SL, you must specify the significance levels for adding and retaining variables. 1 Refer to the SAS PROC GLMSELECT documentation for additional details about each of the criteria. Note: This option is available only when you specify a Model Selection Method other than None. To Specify the Criterion: Select the method using the drop-down menu.