For example, the mcf7_hind.cnt data set (representing quantitative data on relative
SNP genotypes found within a breast cancer
cell line as compared to a normal
DNA reference sample) was converted from a
.DTT file downloaded from the
Affymetrix website to the
.cnt format using the Affymetrix CNAT software. For more information, please refer to the Affymetrix website ( The resulting data consist of SPA copy number and
p-values, which represent individual SNP differences in copy numbers and a corresponding smoothed estimate of copy number (GSA copy number), and associated
p-value. In addition, a
loss of heterozygosity (LOH) score and a ratio value of the test
tissue versus the reference tissue are also included in the CNAT output.
JMP Genomics requires data to be saved as a SAS data set (.sas7bdat file). The
Import Individual Text, CSV, or Excel Files process was used to convert the data set to a SAS data set as described by Robinson
et al. (2006). The converted
mcf7_hind.sas7bdat data set, partially shown below, was saved in the
ProcessResults folder.
Refer to the UCSC Genome Browser output documentation for detailed descriptions and guides to interpreting your results.