Processes | Import | Check File Names

Check File Names
The Check File Names process is a JMP Scripting Language (JSL) script that examines the data files listed in an Experimental Design File (EDF) and verifies that all of the listed files are located within the specified folder. This process provides a valuable check of the efficacy of an EDF, especially when an experiment includes large numbers of data files, and should be executed before you attempt to import the raw data into JMP Genomics.
What do I need?
The EDF to be examined must be open and in focus before you open the Check File Names process. A typical EDF is shown below.
The AffyLatinSquare_Design.txt EDF was generated as described in the Create Design File Template process.
For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Life Sciences software, see Files and Data Sets.
Refer to the Check File Names output documentation for a detailed description of the output of this process.