The Cross Validation Model Comparison process enables you to compare cross validation statistics for an arbitrary collection of
predictive models and determine which models are best suited for prediction from that particular data set. Cross validation consists of dividing the rows of a
wide data set into two groups, labeling one as the test group and the other as the training group, and then, after setting aside the test group, fitting one or more predictive models only to the training set. The fitted models derived using the training set are then evaluated with the
predictor variables of the test set to obtain predicted values. These values are then compared to the observed values. This process is repeated a specified number of times, using a different training/test division, and results are summarized and displayed side-by-side.
It is assumed that you are familiar with the Predictive Modeling processes, have settled upon one or more of them to compare, and have saved specific settings (see
Saving and Loading Settings) for each of the runs to be cross validated.
Important: The input data set and dependent variable must be identical for all predictive modeling settings to be compared. The
Mode parameter (found on the
Analysis tab) for each process must be set to
Automated to allow processing with SAS code rather than using the interactive JMP mode. The
Prior Probabilities /
Prevalences parameters must also all be identical since they influence how performance statistics are computed.
A saved setting can be edited either in the dialog for that process or in the
Cross Validation Model Comparison process itself. If you are not familiar with the individual processes that you want to use, consult the specific chapters for those processes for more information.
Important: Both the model comparison and respective main method setting files for any
sample settings that you run must be placed in your user
WorkflowResults folder
1 before you run them. If you ever clear this folder, you should replenish it with the setting files from the
Settings folder