Processes | Studies | Assign Wide Variable Roles

Assign Wide Variable Roles
This process enables you to assign default roles to variables in a wide data set. Running this process first can greatly facilitate running and validating multiple predictive modeling processes in which identical parameters are specified. It is also useful when adjusting parameter specification.
What do I need?
You must have created a study before running this process.
One wide Input Data Set is needed to run this process. This data set contains all of the numeric and other data to be analyzed. Data must be in the wide format. Genetic marker data is likely in this form already, but any data that are in tall form must be converted to the wide format. The Transpose Rectangular process can be used to convert the tall data set and its accompanying Experimental Design Data Set (EDDS) to wide form.
For detailed information about the files and data sets used or created by JMP Life Sciences software, see Files and Data Sets.
This process generates several files that, together, define the variable roles for the specified study. A Results window (shown below) is surfaced when this process has been successfully run.