Click to open a file selection window (for example, Select SAS Data Set).Note: Depending on the specific file type or data set that you are selecting, the file selection window title might differ from the title shown in the example above.
Click .
Click to open the Server File Chooser window.The current server directory is shown in the Server Folder Path field.Note: By default, when connected to a UNIX server, the root path of “/” is specified. When connected to a Windows server, “C:\” is considered the root, and is specified by default. You can enter another available drive in this field, if desired.
Select a subfolder from the Available Subfolders field and click the button to navigate down the directory tree.
Highlight the desired file, click the button, and then click .
Alternatively, click to select a file from your local machine. (See Specifying Files or Data Sets When JMP Is Connected to SAS on Your Local Machine.)Note: Depending on the specific process, parameter, and context, the button might not be displayed in the Server File Chooser window.