Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Nonlinear Examples/Chemical Kinetics.jmp.
Click the plus sign next to Model (x) in the Columns panel.
Click Table Columns in the top left of the formula editor window and select Parameters.
The parameter values in the formula element panel (VMax = 1 and k = 1) are your initial guesses. They are used to compute the Model (x) values in the data table. For your next experiment, you want to replace these with better estimates.
Click Cancel to close the formula editor window.
Select Analyze > Specialized Modeling > Nonlinear.
Select Velocity (y) and click Y, Response.
Select Model (x) and click X, Predictor Formula.
Notice that the formula given by Model (x) appears in the Options for fitting custom formulas panel.
Nonlinear Analysis Launch Window
Click OK.
Nonlinear Fit Results
The Lower CL and Upper CL values for VMax and k define ranges of values for these parameters. Next, use these intervals to define a range for the prior values in your augmented nonlinear design.
With the Chemical Kinetics.jmp data table active, select DOE > Special Purpose > Nonlinear Design.
Select Velocity (y) and click Y, Response.
Select Model (x) and click X, Predictor Formula.
Nonlinear Design Outlines for Factors and Parameters
In the Chemical Kinetics.jmp data, the values for Concentration range from 0.417 to 6.25. Therefore, these values initially appear as the low and high values in the Factors outline. You want to change these values to encompass a broader interval.
VMax: 0.568 and 3.158
k: 6.858 and 45.830
Updated Values for Factor and Parameters
Enter 40 for the Number of Runs in the Design Generation panel.
Click Make Design.
The Design outline opens, showing the Concentration and Velocity (y) values for the original 13 runs and new Concentration settings for the additional 27 runs.
Click Make Table.
The new runs reflect the broader interval of Concentration values and the range of values for VMax and k obtained from the original experiment, which are used to define the prior distribution. Both should lead to more precise estimates of k and Vmax.

Help created on 9/19/2017