Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Popcorn.jmp.
Effect Summary Report
In the Effect Summary report, notice that the popcorn*batch interaction has a small p-value (0.00261). From this, you conclude that there is a significant interaction between popcorn and batch.
Click the Response yield red triangle and select Save Columns > Prediction Formula.
Click the Response yield red triangle and select Save Columns > Mean Confidence Interval.
This adds two new columns to the data table: Lower 95% Mean yield and Upper 95% Mean yield.
Select Graph > Graph Builder.
Select popcorn and drag it to the X zone.
Select batch and drag it to the Group X zone.
Select oil amt and drag it to the Group Y zone.
Yield Values for the Eight Factor Combinations
Format the graph to see interval bars for Lower 95% Mean yield and Upper 95% Mean yield, and to see points for Pred Formula yield.
Confidence Limits and Means Plotted as Side-by-Side Bars
Interval Bar Style Applied to Three-Y-Axis Variables
The interval bar style currently spans from Lower 95% Mean yield to Pred Formula yield, but you want it to span up to Upper 95% Mean yield. Remove the bar element for Pred Formula yield.
Interval Span for Confidence Boundaries
Remove the point graph element for Lower 95% Mean yield and Upper 95% Mean yield.
Predicted Means and Confidence Intervals
From Predicted Means and Confidence Intervals, you can see the following relationships:

Help created on 9/19/2017