After the factor and response distributions are set, click the Simulate button to run the simulation. Or, use the Make Table button to create a table with N Runs for the number of rows. Each row is populated with a random draw from the specified distributions, and the corresponding response values are computed. If spec limits are given, the table also contains a column specifying whether a row is in or out of spec.
Select Graph > Profiler.
Click OK.
Change the N Runs value to 100.
For SILICA, select Sequence Location. Keep the number of steps at 5. Because the mean is 1.25, change the values over a range of 1 (lower) to 2 (upper).
For SILANE, select Sequence Location. Keep the number of steps at 5. Because the mean is 50, change the values over a range of 40 (lower) to 60 (upper).
For SULFUR, select Sequence Location. Keep the number of steps at 5. Because the mean is 2.25, change the values over a range of 2 (lower) to 3 (upper).
Click Make Table.
You can see that the SILICA Mean, SILANE Mean, and SULFUR Mean columns contain five steps for each range of values (Silica Mean is 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, and 2; Silane Mean is 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, and 60; and so on.) Pred Formula ABRASION and Pred Formula MODULUS values are calculated for each combination of values, so you can see how the responses change as the factor values change.
Select Analyze > Distribution.
Click OK.
Click a histogram bar that corresponds to a SILICA mean to see how the prediction formula for ABRASION changes given the selected mean.