μ and σ are unknown
Shapiro-Wilk (for n 2000) Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Lillefors (for n > 2000)
μ and σ are both known
either μ or σ is known
μ and σ are known or unknown
α and β known or unknown
α, β and θ known or unknown
α and β known or unknown
σ is known or unknown
α and σ are known
either α or σ is unknown
α and β are known
either α or β is unknown
ρ is known or unknown and n is known
Kolmogorov's D (for n 30) Pearson χ2 (for n > 30)
ρ and δ known or unknown
Kolmogorov's D (for n 30) Pearson χ2 (for n > 30)
λ known or unknown
Kolmogorov's D (for n 30) Pearson χ2 (for n > 30)
λ or σ known or unknown
Kolmogorov's D (for n 30) Pearson χ2 (for n > 30)


For example, for a Normal distribution, where K = 3, the 3 standard deviations below and above the mean correspond to the 0.00135th quantile and 0.99865th quantile, respectively. The lower specification limit is set at the 0.00135th quantile, and the upper specification limit is set at the 0.99865th quantile of the fitted distribution. A capability analysis is returned based on those specification limits.

Help created on 10/11/2018