dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
Row() = 5; // select row 5
dt:age = 19; // set the age in row 5 to 19
dt:name = "Sam"; // set the name in row 5 to Sam
dt:age[10] = 20; // set the value of age in row 10 to 20
Row() = 16; // select row 16
myGlobal = :age; // store the age as a variable
:age; // returns 14, the age in row 16
Show( :age ); // returns age = 14;
myGlobal = :age[12];
To get a value in a data column reference, use Column() and As Column() to get the value in a data column reference. For more information, see Access Cell Values through Column References.
An empty subscript, such as :age[ ], refers to the current row.

Help created on 10/11/2018