In the Concat function, expressions yielding names are treated like character strings, but globals that have the name values are evaluated. The following example demonstrates that if you have a stored name value, you need to either use Char before storing it in a global, or Name Expr on the global name.
n = {abc};
c = n[1] || "def";
Show( c );
m = Expr( mno );
c = m || "xyz";
Show( c );
Name Unresolved: mno in access or evaluation of 'mno' , mno/*###*/
m = Expr( mno );
c = Name Expr( m ) || "xyz";
Show( c );
m = Char( Expr( mno ) );
c = m || "xyz";
Show( c );
Concat Items() converts a list of string expressions into a single string, with each item separated by a delimiter. If unspecified, the delimiter is a blank. Its syntax is
resultString = Concat Items ({list of strings}, <“delimiter string”>);
a = {"ABC", "DEF", "HIJ"};
result = Concat Items(a, "/");
result = Concat Items( a );

Help created on 10/11/2018