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Launch the Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart platform by selecting Analyze > Quality and Process > Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart. Set the Chart Type to Variability.
Figure 9.3 The Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart Launch Window
Note: The content in this chapter covers only the Variability chart type. For details about the Attribute chart type, see the Attribute Gauge Charts topic.
Choose the model type (Main Effect, Crossed, Nested, and so on). See Statistical Details for Variance Components.
Specify the measurement column. Specifying more than one Y column produces a separate variability chart for each response.
Specify a standard or reference column that contains the “true” or known values for the measured part. Including this column enables the Bias and Linearity Study options. These options perform analysis on the differences between the observed measurement and the reference or standard value. See Bias Report and Linearity Study.

Help created on 3/19/2020