XBar-charts display subgroup means (averages)
R-charts display subgroup ranges (maximum – minimum)
S-charts display subgroup standard deviations
The IR selection gives additional chart types:
Run charts display a column of data as a connected series of points. Run charts can also plot the group means when the Sample Label role is used, either on the window or through a script.
Moving Range charts displays moving ranges of two or more successive measurements. Moving ranges are computed for the number of consecutive measurements that you enter in the Range Span box. The default range span is 2. Because moving ranges are correlated, these charts should be interpreted with care.
Each point on a Uniformly Weighted Moving Average (UWMA) chart, also called a Moving Average chart, is the average of the w most recent subgroup means, including the present subgroup mean. When you obtain a new subgroup sample, the next moving average is computed by dropping the oldest of the previous w subgroup means and including the newest subgroup mean. The constant, w, is called the span of the moving average, and indicates how many subgroups to include to form the moving average. The larger the span (w), the smoother the UWMA line, and the less it reflects the magnitude of shifts. This means that larger values of w guard against smaller shifts.