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The graphical display shows the conditional probability values as share charts. For each cluster and each Y, the conditional probabilities given cluster membership are plotted as a horizontal stacked bar chart. For a binary or nominal response column, the percentages in these charts sum to one for each response. For a multiple response column, the percentages are of the lower level of each of the categories and do not sum to one. The stacking of bars follows the order of appearance of the variables in the table of values. You can also place your cursor over the bars to view the levels or categories of the variable.
For each response, the Pearson chi-square statistic, χ 2, is calculated for the contingency table of expected counts for levels by clusters. Let n represent the number of observations. The value in the Effect Size column is defined as follows:
Each value in the LR Logworth column shows -log10(pLR) where pLR is the likelihood ratio test p-value for the contingency table of expected counts. A Logworth value above 2 corresponds to significance at the 0.01 significance level.

Help created on 3/19/2020