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The Sine and Cosine functions calculate the sine and cosine of their respective arguments given in radians. For example, the expression Sine(0) evaluates as 0, and Cosine(0) evaluates as 1. The tangent function calculates the tangent of an argument given in radians. The expression Tan(Pi()/4) evaluates as 1.
The ArcSine and ArcCosine functions return the inverse sine and inverse cosine of their respective arguments. The returned value is measured in radians. For example, both expressions ArcSine(1) and ArcCosine(0) evaluate as 1.57080. The ArcTangent function returns the inverse tangent of its argument. The returned value is measured in radians. The expression ArcTangent(1) evaluates as 0.78540 (=3.14159/4).
The SinH and CosH functions return the hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic cosine of their respective arguments. The expression SinH(1) evaluates as 1.175201, and CosH(0) evaluates as 1.0. The TanH function returns the hyperbolic tangent of its argument. The expression TanH(1) evaluates as 0.761594.
The ArcSinH and ArcCosH functions return the inverse hyperbolic sine and inverse hyperbolic cosine of their respective arguments. The expression ArcSinH(1) evaluates as 0.881374, and ArcCosH(1) is 0. The ArcTanH function returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of its argument. The expression ArcTanH(0.5) evaluates as 0.549306.

Help created on 3/19/2020