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Publication date: 07/30/2020

Add Components

The Reliability Block Diagram drawing elements that are located in the toolbar are called shapes. The term component refers to a shape that represents a constituent part of the system.

1. Click the Basic icon on the Shape toolbar and drag the shape to the System Diagram to the right of the Start block.

2. Select the label, replace New Basic 1 by Power Supply, and press Enter.

Figure 11.3 Basic Shape 

When you click the label or the shape, connection arrows appear. The arrows disappear when you click elsewhere in the template.

3. Drag a second Basic shape to the right of the Power Supply shape.

4. Select the label and type CPU.

Figure 11.4 Example System Diagram 

Note: You will align the shapes later, in the section Align Shapes.

5. Drag a Parallel shape to a position to the right and below the CPU shape.

6. Select the label and type Peripherals.

7. Drag a K out of N shape to a position to the right and above the CPU shape.

8. Select the label and type Hard Drives.

Figure 11.5 Partial System Diagram 

9. Drag a Knot shape to the right of the previous shapes.

10. Select the label and type Join.

11. Drag a Series shape to a position to the right of the Knot shape.

12. Select the label and type Input Devices.

Figure 11.6 Partial System Diagram 

13. Drag a Basic shape to a position to the right of the Input Devices shape.

14. Select the label and type Monitor.

Figure 11.7 System Diagram Showing All Shapes 

15. Proceed with Align Shapes.

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