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Consumer Research > MaxDiff > Examples of the MaxDiff Platform
Publication date: 07/30/2020

Examples of the MaxDiff Platform

Thirty respondents participated in a MaxDiff study to compare seven flavors of potato chips. Each choice set consisted of three profiles (potato chip flavors). For each choice set, a respondent’s favorite choice was recorded as 1 and his or her least favorite choice was recorded as -1. Intermediate choices were recorded as 0.

The MaxDiff platform can analyze data that is presented in a one-table format or in a multiple-table format. In the multiple table format, information about responses, choice sets, and subjects is saved in different data tables. In the one-table format, that information is contained in a single data table.

One Table Format shows how to analyze a subset of the available data in a one-table format. Note that you could add additional profile and subject data to the single table for a more complete analysis.

Multiple Table Format shows how to bring together information from different tables into one MaxDiff analysis.

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