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Publication date: 07/30/2020

Outline Boxes

Outline Box<<Close(Boolean)

Closes the outline box.

Outline Box<<Close All Below

Closes all the node’s child nodes.

Outline Box<<Close All Like This

Closes all nodes similar to this outline box.

Outline Box<<Close Where No Outlines

Closes all nodes that do not have children.

Outline Box<<Get Title

Gets the title of the outline box.

Outline Box<<Horizontal(Boolean)

Horizontally aligns the node’s children.

Outline Box<<Open All Below

Opens all the node’s child nodes.

Outline Box<<Open All Like This

Opens all nodes similar to this outline box.

Outline Box<<Set Menu Script({string1, script1, string2, script2, ...})

Adds an entry to the menu when the red triangle on an outline box is selected.

Outline Box<<Set Title(title)

Specifies the quoted title of the outline box.

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