Font preferences customize the appearance of reports, data tables, and scripts, including fonts, text size, and font style.
Figure 13.13 Fonts Preferences
Preference | Description |
Text | Sets the font for the text portion of a JMP analysis report. |
Heading | Sets the font for the heading of columns in an analysis report and a data table. |
Title | Sets the font for the title shown in all title bars. |
Small | Sets the font for small text, which is used in the upper left corner of the data grid to show the number of columns and rows. |
Mono | Sets the font used in the JMP Scripting Language (JSL) editor for script commands. |
Formula Editor | Sets the font for the expressions entered into the Formula Editor. |
Annotation | Sets the default font used in annotations. |
Axis | Sets the font used for the axis tick labels. |
Marker | Sets the font used for alphanumeric markers. |
Axis Title | Sets the font for axis titles. |
Graphic Label | Sets the font for data labels in graphs such as marker labels or bar labels. |
Legend | Sets the font for legend titles, values, and other legend text. |
Graph Title | Sets the font for the main graph title but not the secondary title or footnote. |
Caption | Sets the font for the caption element and also any caption-like text (for example, line of fit statistics and the box plot 5-number summary). |
Data Table | Sets the font for displaying data in the data table. |
Font Family | Select a proportional font. The font that you select is immediately applied to all settings except for Mono, which is used for scripts. |
Use Greek letters | Select this option to use Greek letters instead of spelling out Greek letters. (For example, π instead of pi.) This option is selected by default. |
Use math symbols | Select this option to use math symbols instead of simple text representations of math symbols. (For example, ± instead of +/-) This option is selected by default. |