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Design of Experiments Guide > Compare Designs > Compare Designs Window: Design Evaluation
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Compare Designs Window: Design Evaluation

Power Analysis

Prediction Variance Profile

Fraction of Design Space Plot

Relative Estimation Efficiency

Alias Matrix Summary

Absolute Correlations

Design Diagnostics

Color Dashboard

Several of the Design Evaluation outlines show values colored according to a color bar. The colors are applied to diagnostic measures and they help you see which values (and designs) reflect good or bad behavior. You can edit the legend values to apply colors that reflect your definitions of good and bad behavior.

Figure 16.19 Color Dashboard 

You can modify the color bar by selecting these two options in the red triangle menu for the outline or by right-clicking the color bar:

Show Legend Values

Shows or hides the values that appear under the color bar.

Edit Legend Values

Specify the values that define the colors.

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