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Quality and Process Methods > Control Chart Builder > Excluded and Hidden Samples
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Excluded and Hidden Samples

The following bullets summarize the effects of various conditions on samples and subgroups:

Excluded subgroups are not used in the calculations, but appear in the chart (although dimmed).

Hidden observations are used in the calculations, but do not appear in the chart.

Both hidden and excluded rows are included in the count of points for Tests for Special Causes. An excluded row can be labeled with a special cause flag. A hidden point cannot be labeled. If the flag for a Tests for Special Causes is on a hidden point, it will not appear in the chart.

For partially excluded subgroups, if one or more observations within a subgroup is excluded, and at least one observation within the subgroup is included, the excluded observation is not included in the calculations of either the point statistic or the limits.

Checks for negative and non-integer data happen on the entire data (even excluded values).

Tests continue to apply to all excluded subgroups. Excluded samples are flagged when tests are turned on.

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