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Using JMP > Formula Editor > Glossary of Terms
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Glossary of Terms

The following terms are used in the Formula Editor:


The name of a constant, table variable, local variable, or parameter that appears in the element browser list.


Any element or an entire expression (including mathematical operands) that is operated on by a function. Arguments are always grouped with functions. To find which expressions serve as a function’s arguments, select that function in the formula.


Indivisible parts of an expression, such as constants and variables.


Any part of a formula that can be selected as a single unit, including terms, missing terms, and functions grouped with their arguments, as well as the entire formula.


A complete segment in a conditional function.


A mathematical or logical operation that performs a specific action on one or more arguments. Functions include most items in the Functions list and all keypad operators. Functions always operate upon selected expressions, and arguments are always grouped with functions. To find which expressions serve as a function’s arguments, select that function in the formula.

The boxed groupings also show how order-of-precedence rules apply and show which arguments are deleted when you delete a function. See Order Expressions in Formulas.

Missing term

Any empty place holder for an expression, represented by an empty box.

Missing value

Excluded or null data consisting of the missing value mark (•) for numeric data or null character strings for character data.

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