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Quality and Process Methods > Control Chart Builder > Statistical Details for Control Chart Builder
Publication date: 04/30/2021

Statistical Details for Control Chart Builder

Note: For charts created with the Control Chart platform instead of Control Chart Builder, replace 3 in the formulas with k.

Note: For sample sizes up to n = 50, JMP uses control chart constants d2(n) and d3(n) that are defined in Table 2 of Harter (1960). For samples with a sample size greater than 50, JMP uses the control chart constant values for sample size 50 in both the sigma and control limit calculations.

Control Limits for XBar and R Charts

Control Limits for XBar and S Charts

Control Limits for Individual Measurement and Moving Range Charts

Control Limits for P and NP Charts

Control Limits for U Charts and C Charts

Levey-Jennings Charts

Control Limits for G Charts

Control Limits for T Charts

Control Limits for Three Way Control Charts

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