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Publication date: 09/28/2021

Display Options

Using Display Options, you can add or remove elements from the Oneway data plot. Some options might not appear unless they are relevant.

All Graphs

Shows or hides all graphs.


Shows or hides data points on the plot.

Box Plots

Shows or hides outlier box plots for each group. For an example, see Conduct the Oneway Analysis.

Mean Diamonds

Draws a horizontal line through the mean of each group proportional to its horizontal axis. The top and bottom points of the mean diamond show the upper and lower 95% confidence points for each group. See Mean Diamonds and X-Axis Proportional.

Mean Lines

Draws a line at the mean of each group. See Mean Lines, Error Bars, and Standard Deviation Lines.

Mean CI Lines

Draws lines at the upper and lower 95% confidence levels for each group.

Mean Error Bars

Identifies the mean of each group and shows error bars one standard error above and below the mean. See Mean Lines, Error Bars, and Standard Deviation Lines.

Grand Mean

Draws the overall mean of the Y variable on the plot.

Std Dev Lines

Shows lines one standard deviation above and below the mean of each group. See Mean Lines, Error Bars, and Standard Deviation Lines.

Comparison Circles

Shows or hides comparison circles. This option is available only when one of the Compare Means options is selected. See Comparison Circles. For an example, see Conduct the Oneway Analysis.

Connect Means

Connects the group means with a straight line.

Mean of Means

Draws a line at the mean of the group means.

X-Axis proportional

Makes the spacing on the x-axis proportional to the sample size of each level. See Mean Diamonds and X-Axis Proportional.

Points Spread

Spreads points over the width of the interval

Points Jittered

Adds small spaces between points that overlay on the same y value. The horizontal adjustment of points varies from 0.375 to 0.625 with a 4*(Uniform(0,1)-0.5)5 distribution.

Matching Lines

(Appears only when the Matching Column option is selected.) Connects matching points.

Matching Dotted Lines

(Appears only when the Matching Column option is selected.) Draws dotted lines to connect cell means from missing cells in the table. The values used as the endpoints of the lines are obtained using a two-way ANOVA model.


Draws side-by-side histograms to the right of the original plot.

Robust Mean Lines

(Appears only when a Robust option is selected.) Draws a line at the robust mean of each group.


Displays a legend for the Normal Quantile Plot, CDF Plot, and Densities options.

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