Figure 3.8 Maximization Options Window
Number of Trips
The number of random starts in the optimization algorithm. Each trip starts with a randomly chosen value for each of the factors in the model.
Maximum Iterations
The maximum number of steps taken within each trip. If the algorithm does not converge before the maximum iterations is reached, a new trip is started.
Convergence Tolerance
The upper limit for the convergence criterion for the optimization algorithm. If the convergence criterion is less than this value for two consecutive iterations, the algorithm stops.
Maximum Cycles
(Not applicable if there are linear constraints.) The maximum number of cycles in the algorithm.
Genetic Algorithm Options
(Available only if there is a disallowed combination constraint or if one of the extrapolation control features is turned on.) Provides additional options for the genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm is used only if the solution from the regular optimization algorithm is not feasible.
Maximum number of iterations
The maximum number of iterations for the genetic algorithm.
Convergence Tolerance
The upper limit for the convergence criterion for the genetic algorithm.